Info on Property taxes for Maui County

Maui Property Tax Rates

What are the property taxes on Maui?

This is, by far, the most frequently asked question we get from buyers when they are looking for Real Estate on Maui. The County of Maui Real Property Tax Division establishes the assessed values for all Maui County property and charges tax rates based on 12 different usage classifications.

Maui Property tax rates

Below is the current list of tax rates for Maui property effective July 1, 2023. The real property tax rates shown below are per one thousand dollars of net taxable assessed valuation.



Tax Rate


Tier 1: Up to $1M
Tier 2: $1,000,001 to $3M
Tier 3: More than $3M


B NON Owner Occupied
Tier 1: Up to $1M
Tier 2: $1,000,001 to $4.5M
Tier 3: More than $4.5M


C Apartment


D Hotel and Resort


E Time Share


F Short-Term Rental
Tier 1: Up to $1M
Tier 2: $1,000,001 to $3M
Tier 3: More than $3M



Long Term Rental
Tier 1: Up to $1M
Tier 2: $1,000,001 to $3M
Tier 3: More than $3M


H Agricultural


I Conservation


J Commercial


K Industrial


L Commercialized Residential


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